Streamline SMP


Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? We have the answer! If you don‘t see your question here you can always hit us up at our Contact Page.

What's the IP?

Streamline is a whitelist-only Minecraft server, meaning you will need to be accepted to join. If you have been accepted, you can connect with this IP:

What is this?

Streamline is a whitelist-only Minecraft vanilla SMP that promotes an "economy" that is diamond-based. We have a free build system allowing you to build almost anywhere you want, without many limitations.

What's the seed?

We do not publicly release the seed for the season until after it is over. For concern that people will use it to find things that would have otherwise taken much longer to find.

How is it paid for?

The server is paid for by donations, the server is hosted by a 3rd party hosting company and most of the money for the server comes from donations.

Is it "pay to win"?

No, there is no way to buy ways forward in the server using real money, if you donate you only get things that don&t affect your survival experience.

How does this work?

Streamline SMP is a single Minecraft server located in New York City, NY. The software used by the server is Purpur, a branch of Paper MC which is a branch of Spigot.

How long is the wait?

Once you submit an application it will usually take no more than 24 hours to get reviewed. While you wait feel free to talk to the community and get to know the Streamliners!

Who are we?

We are Streamline, hello! Just a bunch of gamers together playing Minecraft! The server is run by and controlled by the players and anyone can become a part of the servers staff team.

What about griefing?

How do we stop griefing? We keep griefing from happening using plugins that allow us to undo and check any action a user can do, as well as having user screening in the form of the application into the server.

Can I redo my application?

Absolutely, yes you can definitely redo your application! Just go back to the application and as long as your old one has been reviewed you will have the ability to submit a new one.

What are the rules?

You can check the basic rules here. You can get a more detailed look at the rules here. The rules are also subject to change, however you will be notified to the change if you are in the Discord server.

Can I get banned for____?

If you have any questions about what is against the rules or allowed, please contact a staff member to ask! That is the best way to make sure that you stay safe and don&t risk getting banned!

Are clients allowed?

Yes, clients are somewhat allowed. However, clients that break the rules, like Wurst client are not allowed for obvious reasons. However, Fabric, Badlion, Lunar, and most other similar clients are allowed.

Is there minimum age?

Yes, the minimum age is 13. The reason we picked this age is because we felt as a community that this was a reasonable age for the server. The server is a SFW server safe for anyone 13+!